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Cloud based technology highlights

William Tsu
Data Analyst
Experienced data analyst working with data visualization, cloud computing and administration, and ETL solutions.
June 05, 2019

The cloud computing has been ruling the industry since two years and regardless of the data pointing to the business efficiencies, the cost benefits and competitive advantages it possesses over the old methods of business, a huge portion of the business community is continued to operate in the old way.

According to a research conducted by the International Data Group, 69% of business enterprises are already using the cloud-based technology in one capacity or the other, and 18% of them say that they think to execute the cloud-computing solutions at a point of time. While Dell reports that the corporations which invest in huge data, cloud, security and mobility obtain up 53% faster revenue hike when compared to their competitors. This data evidently proves the increasing number of tech-savvy business and the industry leaders who are benefited from cloud computing trend. More than that they are utilizing the technology for running their organizations more effectively, providing better service to the customers and dramatically increase the total profit margins.

Cloud computing has attained widespread acceptance all over the world within the last few years. With an exponential hike in the data use which accompanied the society's transition to the digital 21st century, it has become more intricate for the individuals and organizations to hold all important data, system up and program and running on the in-house computer servers. The solutions for this issue are the one which has been around for nearly as long as the internet but they recently gained general application for the business. How cloud computing works.

Cloud computing works on the same principle as the web-based email clients; allow users to access all of the features and files of the system without a need to keep the bulk of that system on their own computer system. In fact, many of the people already make use of a wide variety of cloud computing services without even thinking that it is Google Drive, Gmail, TurboTax, even Facebook or Instagram falls under the group of cloud-based applications. For all these services, the users are allowed to send their personal data to the cloud-based server which stores the data for later use. As these applications are useful for their personal matters, they are even more promising for the business which needs to be able to access a huge amount of information over a safe and secure online network connection.

The major benefits of cloud computing

- Flexibility

- Efficiency

- Strategic value


The users are able to scale the services to fit their needs, customize the given applications and access the cloud services from any place with a proper internet connection.

- Scalability

The Cloud infrastructure scales according to the requirement to support the varying workloads.

- Storage options

Users are allowed to choose public, private or the hybrid storage offerings, depending upon the security requirements and other considerations.

- Control choices

The organization can understand their level of control with service options. It possesses software as a service, platform as a service and infrastructure as a service.

- Tool selection

The users are allowed to select from a menu of pre-developed tools and the features to build a solution which suits their specific needs.

- Security features

The virtual private cloud, encryption and the API keys help to hold the data more secure.


The enterprise users can achieve the application in order to market swiftly, without being anxious about the underlying infrastructure costs and maintenance.

- Accessibility

The Cloud-based applications and information are easily accessible from any virtual internet-connected systems.

- Speed to market

Marketing becomes more effective if users start developing their application in the cloud.

- Data security

The hardware failures will not affect the data and do not result in drastic data loss due to the networked backups.

- Savings on equipment

Cloud-based computing utilizes distant resources, saving organizations the cost of servers and all other equipment.

- Pay structure

The 'utility pay structure' basically means the users only need to pay for the resources which they use.

Strategic value

Cloud services offer the companies a competitive benefit by providing the most ground-breaking technology available in the industry.

- Streamlined work

Cloud service providers (CSPs) handle the basic infrastructure, allowing organizations to concentrate on the development of application and other priorities.

- Regular updates

The service providers frequently update their contributions to provide users with recent and updated technology.

- Collaboration

Worldwide access ensures the teams an opportunity to collaborate from all over the world.

- Competitive edge

The organization can move more lightly than their competitors who must dedicate IT resources to managing infrastructure. Cloud computing is swiftly becoming the standard mode for technology enterprises to access the IT infrastructures, software as well as hardware resources. The technology helps the companies to be capable of using applications and other resources that are managed by third-party companies, stored in high-end server computers and their networks.

Cloud computing systems are chiefly set up for business or research uses. Cloud computing enables businesses to be more competent and save on software and hardware that are significant for various operations. The meaning of cloud computing differs according to your source but what is generally assumed is that it engages access to software or hardware that are in the cloud that is the use of software or hardware distantly. If your enterprise is using particular applications where you did not have to arrange server or purchase hardware or software to run them, then you are possibly using a cloud application. Enterprises can use cloud computing to boost their IT functionality or capability without having to add personnel, software, invest in extra training or set up new infrastructure.

Businesses can profit from various cloud services by enhancing their efficiency and reducing costs. Companies can implement cloud services depending on their priorities, areas of skill and their business processes. Similar is the case of an IT project that is, careful planning and perfect preparation should be done even before you switch to cloud services.