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Billy Yann
Deep learning and machine learning specialist, well-versed with experience in Cloud infrastructure, Block-chain technologies and Big Data solutions.
August 26, 2020

OpenAI, an AI (artificial intelligence) company opened in 2015 by many partners including Elon Musk, promotes artificial intelligence through open and cooperative models. In 2018 Open AI released the GPT model that performs language tasks, composes articles, letters, etc. In 2020, Open AI released the latest version of the GPT model, GPT-3. In this article, let's look forward to the definition, uses, and applications of GPT-3.

What is GPT-3?

The new model GPT-3 from OpenAI is a language algorithm that utilizes artificial intelligence to convert words and data to other forms to generate desired outputs. It has an enormous number of applications and is the largest NLP model. GPT-3 gets defined as Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3, which has more than 170 billion parameters. It is a complex model of GPT and facilitates various functions that were not possible by other GPT models.

GPT-3, an AI art language model, can generate codes and desired outputs with words. The enormous data of language is part of GPT-3 to understand language and modes of human communication. It is the most advanced and large model of GPT compared to its previous versions.

The language model of GPT, & GPT-3, powered by neural networks and launched by OpenAI in July 2020. The key element of technology used in GPT-2 and GPT-3 models is the transformer. The GPT-3 is a text generator driven by artificial intelligence that can write articles, essays, poetry, blog posts, business memos, technical manuals, and much more. It could also imitate the writing styles of many authors, compose music, and have the ability to generate desired codes.

With the help of artificial intelligence, the GPT-3 model from OpenAI could answer language tests and do translations at various levels. Being the largest and powerful language utilizer, the GPT model can use large-sized language data. This process gets facilitated by an artificial neural network developed for assisting machines to read from relevant data, and make desired outcomes.

Key-feature of GPT-3

Artificial neural networks are designed following the model of the human brain and have neuron nodes interconnected in a web-form. ANN (artificial neural network) gets developed based on the biological neural network of the brain that has 100 billion neurons. This network system facilitates the output generation by processing the inputs effectively. The artificial neural network (ANN) is the key feature of GPT-3.

The latest among pre-trained models!

GPT-3 is the most recent and advanced out of the pre-trained models that include Microsoft's Turing NLG, Google's BERT, etc. The pre-trained model is the name given for large networks that are trained by using huge data. Utilizing the pre-trained models and eliminating their errors to find solutions for problems has become a new trend in the natural-language processing sector.

For developers, it has become easy to adapt GPT-3 for conducting their responsibilities than to develop a new model for their purpose. GPT-3 requires no fine-tuning and can be used to facilitate any task. GPT-3 provides the desired output even if the input instructions are instructed in simple English. With the advent of the GPT-3 model, many jobs including customer support and report generation will get automated.

Limitations of GPT-3

Despite all possibilities of the GPT-3 model, it is necessary to understand its limitations. GPT-3 models work with artificial intelligence and statistical patterns. The AI will not facilitate the quality of human intelligence, which makes them incompetent for logical reasoning and analysis. Another challenge for GPT-3 is the manipulation of data. As the data used for training the pre-trained model of GPT gets sourced from the internet, there lies a possibility of overlapping. As the data size of GPT-3 is greater than previous versions of GPT it is more prone to contamination and manipulation.

Lack of long-term memory, opaque nature of GPT-3, lack of interpretability, etc. could be considered as other limitations and challenges of GPT-3.


What test runs of GPT-3 showed?

The outputs and results generated by GPT-3 during the test runs are of high-quality and are accurately similar to human outputs. This has both positive and negative aspects of the technical world. It is referred to as one of the largest and advanced artificially intelligent system developed in the technical industry.

The training pattern of GPT-3.

GPT-3 was trained with over 45 TB text sources from the internet which helped the GPT-3 to teach itself various aspects of language and words. The neural network of GPT-3 can predict the upcoming word in an input sequence of words. GPT-3 is versatile and general. Along with this immense amount of language ability, GPT-3 has numerous applications.

Applications of GPT-3

Until now, we discussed what is GPT-3 and the things that make it special along with certain limitations. In a short time, GPT-3 has created a lot of buzz on social media. GPT-3 has the potential to change our world for good, as per many sources. Well, we will observe the changes that GPT-3 brings about, once it's out in the market! With GPT-3 regarded as the next big thing that massively facilitates automation, humans have started to become anxious about its market-launch or arrival.

GPT-3 has the potential to help people in various fields like teaching, learning, developing software & apps, creating poetry, book translations, and comprehending large volumes of text. Let's look into various applications of GPT-3 and its best uses for a better understanding.

Code Oracle

GPT-3 can generate codes. Along with code-generation, it is also capable of comprehending several codes written by code-designers and writers. The codes get written in complex languages such as Python, and much more.

Web Designer

Beautiful integrations of Figma plugin with GPT-3 generates creative & attractive web templates. GPT-3 can effectively be an automated web designer that churns out a website with good output-efficiency.

JSX Layout Maker

GPT-3 is an expert in creating a JSX layout by defining it in plain English. One of the first examples generated by GPT-3 to stun the world with what it can do so efficiently.

Regex Generator

GPT-3 is capable of generating REGEX for different use cases. With GPT-3 well-versed with a vast database, it can easily generate quality REGEX.

Website Mocker

GPT-3 in combination with Figma produces an application referred to as website mocker. The GPT-3 is capable of cloning a website, once it receives the website URL.

Object use-case generation

GPT-3 can produce things, which get done with an object. Any object gets used for object use-case generation.


GPT-3 can generate charts, graphs, and plots from plain English. GPT-3 collaborates with SVG charts for producing high-quality plots in culmination with GPT-3 API.

Complete evaluation of GPT-3

The basic use of GPT-3 occurs with text generation. This process happens in many interesting ways. GPT-3 can play games like finding analogies, identifying paintings & portraits from simple descriptions, generate interesting articles, and recommend books.

Quiz producer!

GPT-3 generates quizzes with the help of its vast knowledge from various sources. For pre-training GPT-3 is taught many language databases and the way to understand, read, and write any particular language. They also know about various books & their authors, articles, and blogs. GPT-3 is capable of doing magic with knowledge & some of the things it does include letter writing and quiz production to name a few attributes!

Learn from anyone

With the help of GPT-3, one can learn anything from anyone. For example, you can learn physics from Newton, English literature from Shakespeare, or even robotics from Elon Musk. Knowledge forms the base of everything in this world. Learning key concepts from those who discovered them, which gives you in-depth knowledge about anything & everything. GPT-3 helps with learning concepts from anyone.


GPT-3, the automated text-generator based on AI technology, simplifies the manual processes of book translations, comprehending a large number of texts, and compiling a vast amount of literary data with ease. The founders of GPT-3, OpenAI, is quite excited about its efficiency in the beta-testing phase, which it's currently under. Once the testing phase gets done, it might get launched in public. People expect a technology revolution to take place with GPT-3. It's a hope that this discussion served the purpose of introducing GPT-3 properly to everyone. Watch the magic unfold!


GPT-3, the automated text-generator based on AI technology, simplifies the manual processes of book translations, comprehending a large number of texts, and compiling a vast amount of literary data with ease. The founders of GPT-3, OpenAI, is quite excited about its efficiency in the beta-testing phase, which it's currently under. Once the testing phase gets done, it might get launched in public. People expect a technology revolution to take place with GPT-3. It's a hope that this discussion served the purpose of introducing GPT-3 properly to everyone. Watch the magic unfold!